26 April 2016

Cleanse: Konjac

I remember when I was young, my mother used to have these loofahs made from dried vegetables. 

These loofahs were gentle and made her skin so smooth!

So when I came across Meghan from The Konjac Sponge Company, all those memories came rushing back.

Konjac is a vegetable known for its nutritional properties. 
These sponges go soft as a cotton roll the minute they are immersed in water.

They are used for cleansing the face without a cleanser. Just dip in water and massage onto skin in circular movements. That's it!

These sponges are suitable for every type of skin and are cruelty free+vegan!

You can visit TKSC HERE , or mail them HERE.
Yoi can alternatively call them on +44 (0)1442800801.
Their customer service people are the sweetest.


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