3 July 2016

Enchanteuse: Aroma India

As some of you might already know from my previous posts, I have been feeling quite anxious these days. Maybe it was the weather, maybe something else, but it just refused to go away and grew with time instead.

After days and days of going through it, I decided to talk to people about this. I was surprised to see I was not the only one experiencing it! Many friends and relatives felt the same way too.

 We decided to form a group and try meditation, as suggested by a friend. Lo and behold! A few sessions later we were all on our roads to calmer selves.

While searching the internet for soothing fragrances for our sessions, I came across Aroma India by Mysore Scents.

The fragrances they had were really interesting and I decided to give a few of them a try and my favourite turned out to be Volupté.

Neatly packed in organza bags specially designed to retain their fragrances, these incense sticks got me hooked the moment I lit them up. The whole room went into a deep romance between soothed senses and calmed minds. 
Their bases linger on for quite some time, even after they are long over.

I am looking forward to getting myself some of their diffusers and scented candles; going by this, it will be a very enchanting experience.

You can find Aroma India on their website Here. Alternatively, you can try Amazon.
They are available on instagram too, @AromaIndia.


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