3 July 2016

PharmaSave : Ethicare Remedies

Hello People!

Recently, I noticed my face felt very itchy after taking a bath. I paid no heed to it, until these itches grew into bruises. My friend speculated it might be the facewash I was using, that made my skin so dry it itched. So I started looking for moisturising soaps and facewashes for myself.

It was then that I came across EthiCare, a Rajkot based pharmaceutical company that caters to the needs of people, who often have trouble finding suitable products for themselves.

I was quite impressed by their collection and decided to give some a try, namely: a facewash, soap, cleansing lotion, and a roll on anti-sweat.

The anti sweat RollOn had a rather earthy fragrance, which I think is more suitable for the menfolk, and hence I gave it to my brother. LOL no. He took it. Without asking me.

The soaps were my favourite. The Ospis Soap is an Aloevera based soap: which is known to be a natural non sticky moisturiser. This is useful especially in this humid weather when everything is so sticky.
The Epi plus lotion is a sensitive skin cleanser.It treats and prevents dry,rough,scaly,itchy skin, and other skin irritations. Ideal for a cleansing of Eczematous skin e.g. Atopic dermatitis,contact dermatitis, Hand foot eczema, Diaper dermatitis.

You see the little bead-like things in the picture above? They completely dissolve when you use them, and wash away impurities; Which is why CutiShine has taken the place in my travel bag permanently!

 You can shop for these, and much more HERE . Try them, and tell me which product you think is the best.
 You can alternatively try clicking HERE . They are also available on MedCouch.

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